35+ People Shared the Food That Reminds Them of Their Childhood

This article appeared in Cleverclassic and has been published here with permission.

35+ People Shared the Food That Reminds Them of Their Childhood

We’ve all had that moment in which we bite into something and we’re suddenly transported back to our youth. Memories can be formed from many different senses. From the smell of warm chocolate chip cookies to the taste of beef stew, these memories can be easily ignited. Everyone has different foods that trigger these memories — and below are some examples that people shared on social media. Maybe some of these foods on this list will remind you of your childhood!

4th of July Popsicles

When you were a kid, there were very few things as exciting as hearing that ice cream truck jingle from a distance.

4th of July Popsicles

You’d run back inside to grab some change and head out in hopes to catch the truck in time before it turned off your street. That’s why people are often transported back to their youth when they take a bite from a 4th of July popsicle.


Spending days or summers with the grandparents is a wonderful memory that many people hold dear. There were some things that you would get at grandma and grandpa’s house that you just didn’t have access to when you were at home.


Many people equate this to certain candies, like butterscotch candies or gumdrops. There’s something about those sugar-coated sweets that just send you back to those sweet days.

Beef Stew

On cool fall days, it was always great to come home to a warm soup or stew. There’s something about those flavors and textures that can bring you back to happy memories sitting around the table with the family.

Beef Stew

Of these, beef stew may be the most memorable. And though every family would have their own recipe, the feelings that were inspired by eating it were the same — love and family.

Chipped Beef

Many families occasionally make breakfast for dinner. For some kids growing up, this is an exciting time because not only is the food delicious, but you get to eat things that you normally wouldn’t be able to during the evening hours.

Chipped Beef

For some families, that meant chipped beef — a form of beef that’s pressed, salted, dried, and sliced into thin pieces. When those kids grow up and find this dish again, it will definitely elicit some wonderful memories.

Spaghetti and Homemade Sauce

For those families who have a strong connection to their Italian heritage, there are many different meals that may trigger sweet memories. Of those, the one that’s possibly the most common is spaghetti with a homemade sauce.

Spaghetti and Homemade Sauce

The love and care that went into that sauce can bring back memories of mom or grandma in the kitchen, toiling away for hours to find just the right balance of herbs to perfect their special sauce.

Fresh Figs

Sometimes, memories aren’t produced by elaborate meals or pre-made things but rather experiences that you had with your loved ones. For instance, your grandmother or mother may have been a gardener and kept a beautiful fig tree in the backyard.

Fresh Figs

That might lead you to be taken back to a simpler time just by simply eating a nice, juicy, fresh fig. That seems to be what’s happening for this gentleman.

Hot Chocolate

A nice cup of hot cocoa is a fine memory for almost any child. Every family may have their own little twist on the delicious wintertime beverage — and that’s what makes it a tradition.

Hot Chocolate

For this person, this cup of hot chocolate takes them back to cold winter days; they’d curl up with their mom and watch the snowfall. We don’t know about you, but a nice hot cup of cocoa could really hit the spot right about now.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But because of hectic lives, many families have to figure out quick and easy ways to get the meal in.


That’s why many adults nowadays feel a sense of nostalgia whenever they spot Eggo waffles in the freezer section at the grocery store. Biting into one of these bad boys after you’ve toasted it can definitely have you yearning for the good old days.

Hot Dogs

Kids are typically a little pickier than adults when it comes to what they will and won’t eat. There are just some meals that scream kid-friendly, and one of those happens to be hot dogs. We don’t mean just any hot dog, though — a boiled hot dog.

Hot Dogs

Biting into a boiled hot dog that’s been mixed in with macaroni and cheese or even just slapped on a bun with some ketchup and mustard can definitely bring you back to childhood.

Baked Mac ‘n’ Cheese

Mac ‘n’ cheese is another one of those meals that almost every kid across the globe likes. Sure, there may be variations of this dish, and some might like the boxed version versus a homemade version.

Baked Mac ‘n’ Cheese

But, mac ‘n’ cheese is always present in most people’s memories. For many, the homemade version definitely brings back more nostalgia because these recipes tend to be family-specific.

Barbecue Chicken

During the summer, many families like to go outdoors and cook up meals. That’s why a lot of childhood favorites can be found at barbecues. For instance, when some people bite into that saucy barbecue chicken, they’re automatically transported back to their youth.

Barbecue Chicken

There’s something about the charred pieces and homemade sauce that simply can’t be beaten and always leads people into a trip to the past.

Grape Soda

When you’re a kid, you want to be just like the adults, and that means drinking things that they drink. For many people who come from a family that’s very active, that might mean trying to drink something like Gatorade.

Grape Soda

Gatorade isn’t necessarily great for a kid, though, so this family found a nice alternative by watering down some grape soda. Now, every time this person tastes grape soda, they’re transported back in time.

Sunny-Side Up Eggs and Sausage

Some nostalgic meals happen at night when everybody can sit down around the dinner table. For others, the food that brings them back to their past the most is breakfast, and that typically means some sort of egg dish.

Sunny-Side Up Eggs and Sausage

For this person, anytime they get an egg sunny-side up with some sausage, it’s one of those comfort meals that make them think about time spent at the breakfast table with their family.

Tuna Fish Sandwich

Many kids were sent to school with homemade lunches that typically consisted of some sort of sandwich, chips, and a drink. That may lead them to be particularly reminiscent of the past when it comes to certain types of sandwiches.

Tuna Fish Sandwich

This person just happens to feel that way anytime they bite into a tuna fish sandwich on white bread with a pickle on the side. We’re sure this only happens if that tuna fish sandwich is made just the way his mom used to make it, though.

Belgian Chocolate

Sometimes, nostalgic foods are found through travel. For kids who were lucky enough to either live in a foreign country or grow up with parents who loved to travel, they may have a diverse palate.

Belgian Chocolate

This person spent some time in Belgium, so anytime they bite into a sweet chocolate morsel like that, they’re instantly back on the road with their parents enjoying another adventure.


In many cultures, bread is a wonderful food that can trigger a variety of memories. For those who grew up in a Mexican household, mollete may be one of those foods that instantly takes them back to their childhood kitchen.


This bread with beans and cheese, often topped with some sort of salsa, can be the perfect comfort food for those who grew up with it. We’ve never tried it, but it definitely looks amazing!

Egg Tarts

There are multiple varieties of this delicious treat. But, for those who grew up with this delicacy, it can definitely be the perfect way to bring back the sweetest of memories. Biting into the crispy crust and soft egg-filled center and tasting just a hint of sweetness is enough to transport you back to simpler times.

Egg Tarts

We can definitely understand how a small treat like this could be something that brings up fond memories and makes you feel warm inside.

Apple Pie

Holidays can be the biggest trigger when it comes to memories that are attached to foods. For instance, many families have get-togethers where there are several different types of desserts available.

Apple Pie

In the United States, one of the pies that are almost always present is apple pie. When they bite into that warm dessert with either ice cream or cool whip, many people instantly begin to think about family get-togethers from the past.

Chorizo Con Huevos

Eggs and sausage are a staple in many different cultures when it comes to breakfast.

Chorizo Con Huevos

Those households that have a strong root in Mexican culture will definitely have had chorizo con huevos on the menu quite often. When they bite into this egg and sausage mixture, people immediately begin to think of memories from years gone by.

Biscuits and Gravy

If you grew up in the South, you will definitely have had biscuits and gravy for breakfast. That homemade gravy that your mom slaved over for what felt like hours and those fluffy homemade buttermilk biscuits are definitely a household staple for many.

Biscuits and Gravy

Having a big old plate of these with some sausage completes the whole meal, and can definitely be a way to pull at those heartstrings.


There’s something about making Jell-O and playing with it a bit before you eat it that just screams childhood for many of us. That is probably why people nowadays are instantly filled with a sense of nostalgia when they bite into that sweet gelatin snack.


There’s not much to it and it’s definitely not the healthiest, but we can understand why it’s a popular treat. Plus, there’s a sense of joy that overtakes you when you peel back that aluminum cover and dip your spoon in.

Peach Cobbler

Many kids rush through their meals just to get their dessert. If you came from a place that was well-known for their peaches — or had access to juicy peaches — one of these desserts was probably peach cobbler.

Peach Cobbler

If that was you, then biting into the sweet treat fills you with all sorts of warm feelings — especially if it’s topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. This sounds so good!

Egg Soldiers

Toast and eggs go hand-in-hand when it comes to breakfast. There are many different variations, but perhaps one of the most beloved is egg soldiers.

Egg Soldiers

Taking a piece of toasted bread and dipping it in a soft-boiled egg might just be the most beloved childhood memory for some. This breakfast may have originated in United Kingdom. But, it definitely branched out and has become a popular kids’ breakfast.

Shirley Temple

It’s always fun when you can have a drink with your parents and feel like you’re one of the adults. Though there’s an adult beverage called Shirley Temple, many kids have fond memories of the virgin kind.

Shirley Temple

A sparkling soda with a bit of grenadine and some maraschino cherries definitely makes for a refreshing and sweet treat that could bring back a wave of fun memories.

Otter Pops

Many kids have fond memories of summers, not only because it was the time when families took a vacation, but also because they didn’t have school and got to play all day — every day. One of the treats many kids got ahold of during this time was Otter Pops.

Otter Pops

That’s why no matter how old they are, if people get their hands on one of them now, they grab their favorite color and begin to tell stories of times gone by.

Chili Mac

Sometimes, for kids who grew up in a busy household, pasta was always something that was readily available. To make things more exciting, many moms added their own special touches.

Chili Mac

Some of them actually made it into a Tex-Mex meal to give a little bit of variety. That’s why a lot of adults take a bite of chili mac and wind up feeling giddy.

Shortbread Cookies

For many people, when they head over to grandma and grandpa’s house, they know that they’re going to find a delicious treat ready for them. For some, this often means delicious shortbread cookies.

Shortbread Cookies

Taking these delicious treats and dipping them in cocoa or even tea can definitely bring back some nostalgic feelings for many. Whether they were just plain or sugared, these little cookies are definitely very memorable.


Pierogies are delicious little dumplings from Eastern Europe that are filled with a variety of different things. They’re often served with caramelized onions and sour cream for dipping.


For kids who grew up in a household with an Eastern European background, it’s inevitable that pierogies would be one of those foods you just crave when you want a piece of home.


It may seem simple — some ground beef, onions, and a little bit of tomato sauce — but meatloaf is one of those meals that many people consider nostalgic.


Paired with some mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, and a salad, it makes for quite a memory-inducing meal. Whether people order it at a restaurant or have it right at home, meatloaf can bring back memories.

Tuna Noodle Casserole

A one-pan meal can be a lifesaver for a family that has two working parents. Because this has become more and more prominent over the past few decades, meals like tuna noodle casserole have found a place amongst the plethora of nostalgic foods.

Tuna Noodle Casserole

Every family may has a slight variation, but they’re all basically the same — and when you bite into it, it may have you feeling some type of way.


Any type of soup can potentially produce different types of memories. For those who grew up in an Italian household, we’re sure that Pastina is definitely on that list. Though Pastina refers to the pasta part of the dish, when most people talk about it, they’re talking about the soup itself.


This soup is simply made using vegetable stock, Pastina pasta, and a broken-up egg. A spoonful of this yummy soup is definitely the way to some people’s hearts.

Hamburger Helper

Sometimes, when everybody is very busy, quick and easy is the key to making sure everybody has a filling meal.

Hamburger Helper

For many households, that means prepackaged meals such as Hamburger Helper. Easily made from scratch, there’s something about biting into the pasta that can transport you back in time.

Cabbage Rolls

There are just some meals that you ate regularly through your childhood that found their way into your heart. One of these could very well be cabbage rolls, especially if you’re from an Eastern European heritage.

Cabbage Rolls

These delicious, stuffed cabbage leaves are usually topped with some sort of tomato sauce and served with sour cream. One bite of that mixture often makes you remember fond memories.

Pinto Beans and Cornbread

Traditions and foods don’t only vary around the world, but also from region to region in the U.S. Pinto beans and cornbread is a southern staple. This is a meal that’s often served during special occasions and is usually paired with collard greens.

Pinto Beans and Cornbread

That’s why many kids who grew up in the South bite into this simple dish and wind up reminiscing.

White Rice and Soy Sauce

Many kids grow up in households with a tighter budget. Because of this, there are many dishes that come from simple ingredients that bring back memories of their youth.

White Rice and Soy Sauce

Rice and soy sauce are both cheap! That’s why a lot of people have a nostalgic fondness for a bowl of simple white rice with soy sauce on it. We honestly think that sounds good right about now!

30 Rare Photos That Are Simply Incredible

30 Rare Photos That Are Simply Incredible

Ever since the camera was invented, photography has captured history through the generations. Billions of photos have been captured ever since. There are some rare photos that may look plain and simple at first but have quite the backstory. So, let’s take a look at some of these rare photos that you may not have seen before. Don’t worry — we’ll also tell you the story behind each of these photos. Read on…

Anne Frank in Her Happy Days

This picture may just look like two little women enjoying their day on a beach. But, there’s an interesting story here. The picture was taken in 1940, and it features Margot Frank standing next to her younger sister, Anne. This picture was found in Anne Frank’s photo album titled Zandvoort.

Anne Frank in Her Happy Days

Two years after this picture was captured, Anne documented her life in hiding, which we all know now as Anne Frank’s Diary. You can say that this photo was an example of the calm before the storm.

Successful Liftoff

This photo features Valerie Anders and Sue Borman, the wives of astronauts William Anders and Frank Borman. It was taken in 1968, at the very moment they heard their husbands’ voices from orbit on the Apollo 8 mission.

Successful Liftoff

Apollo 8 was the first-ever manned spacecraft that reached the moon, orbited it, and returned safely. So, it goes without saying that Valerie and Sue’s reactions make total sense.

A Celebration

If you’re wondering what the people in this picture are doing, we’ll explain. They’re not breaking down some sacred monument — they’re actually celebrating. This picture was taken in Ethiopia in May 1991.

A Celebration

Protesters were celebrating as the Soviet Union’s reign came to an end. They’re enjoying by destroying the statue of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the leader of the Russian Bolsheviks. They also damaged other such monuments that represented the oppressive rule of the country.

Living Life on the Edge

Talk about living life on the edge! Here we have a group of acrobats balancing atop the Empire State Building back in 1934 — just a few years after the skyscraper was constructed.

Living Life on the Edge

Located in Manhattan, the Empire State Building has 102 stories and took a year to build. Construction began in March 1930 and ended in April 1931. Just a few years later, these three brave men took on a risky challenge!

Mount Vesuvius

Italy’s Mount Vesuvius, located above the Gulf of Naples, has a destructive history full of unpredictability. It has erupted several times. Here in this photo, troops watch as Mount Vesuvius erupts in 1944.

Mount Vesuvius

There have been no eruptions since that year — although, since 1944, there have been a few instances in which landslides in the crater have caused clouds of ash dust, raising false alarms of an eruption.

Sneaky, Sneaky

Before you guys ask, this is not a picture of Fred Astaire’s shoes. In reality, you’re looking at an old law enforcement photo from 1924 — in which a police officer is seen trying on what was known as a ‘cow shoe.’

Sneaky, Sneaky

Made from a strip of metal that’s then tacked to a wooden block, these shoes are carved to resemble the hoof of a cow. They were worn by moonshiners to disguise their footprints during the Prohibition era from 1920 to 1933.

Rare Clicks of Einstein

Here, you can see famous theoretical physicist Albert Einstein photographed along with his wife, Elsa, at the Grand Canyon in 1931. Also pictured is Einstein’s assistant Walther Mayer and his secretary Helen Dukas.

Rare Clicks of Einstein

According to the inscription on the back of the picture, it was captured on the way back from Pasadena, California. From the looks of it, it was a pretty sunny day in the Golden State.

Explosive Performance

Mountain climbing is a popular activity for many. After all, who doesn’t like the view from a mountaintop? At least, that’s what famed dancer Gene Nelson had in mind. This photo was taken in Nevada on a cliff that overlooks Frenchman Flat.

Explosive Performance

The smoke you see near the dancer’s thigh is nothing ordinary. It’s a mushroom cloud that followed the detonation of an atomic bomb, at a distance of 40 miles away. Now, you know exactly why Nelson titled his dance move “Atom Antic.”

Bananas Have Arrived

When you first look at this picture, it looks like people are simply buying and/or selling bananas. Just another day at the market! But, this picture wasn’t captured on just any day.

Bananas Have Arrived

In reality, the picture was taken the day that one of the first batches of bananas was ever sent to Norway — back in 1905. It had a weight of over 6,500 pounds and came in crates/boxes. A joyous occasion indeed!


Pictured here is Nigerian-born Bolaji Badejo (August 1953-December 1992). Badejo was a visual artist and one-time actor. He became known as one of Hollywood’s most unlikely on-screen performers — thanks to his role of the Alien in Ridley Scott’s 1979 Alien.


In this photo, Badejo is actually wearing his costume from the now-classic sci-fi thriller.

Heavy Heart

Joseph F. Ambrose was a WWI veteran. In this picture, he’s sitting by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial’s official dedication place, in Washington D.C. The photo was captured back in November 1982 and is very heartbreaking.

Heavy Heart

Why? Well, it turns out that Ambrose was pictured holding the U.S. flag that was used to cover his son’s coffin. His son was martyred during the Korean War that took place in 1951.

Lady Liberty

In 1865, Edouard de Laboulaye — a French intellectual and activist — proposed that a statue representing liberty be built for the US. Not only would this monument serve as the United States’ centennial of independence and their friendship with France.

Lady Liberty

They began designing the sculpture in 1871. Construction began in 1876 (pictured here), but the entire statue was completed and assembled in Paris between 1881 and 1884. The statue was then presented to the U.S. minister to France before getting disassembled and shipped to the United States on July 4th, 1884.

Hats Everywhere

When you look at this picture, you may think that it was probably planned but it wasn’t. This is just an ordinary day in New York back in 1930. Captured in Manhattan’s Garment District, this area has been the center of the American fashion industry since at least the turn of the 20th century.

Hats Everywhere

In any case, this whole formation is quite breathtaking — almost as though we’re looking at a flashmob of sorts. We can only imagine how mesmerized the photographer was after getting this shot!

The Teleforce

Nikola Tesla was famous but was quite under-appreciated as an inventor. In this photo, you can see him sitting in his lab next to his invention, the Teleforce.

The Teleforce

According to the inventor, the Teleforce could “send concentrated beams of particles through the free air, of such tremendous energy that they will bring down a fleet of 10,000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 200 miles from a defending nation’s border and will cause armies to drop in their tracks.”

Ahead of Her Time

Born and raised in Mexico, Frida Kahlo was a painter known for her many portraits, specifically self-portraits and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico.

Ahead of Her Time

A woman that walked to the beat of her own drum, it’s no surprise to see Frida wearing a suit rather than a dress — unlike the rest of the women in the photo. The picture might have been taken in 1924, but there’s no denying that Frida was way ahead of her time.

All for a Fresh Coat of Paint

Named after engineer Gustave Eiffel, the Eiffel Tower is a wrought iron lattice tower located in Paris. Construction began in January 1887 and was completed in March 1889.

All for a Fresh Coat of Paint

Pictured here is a group of guys painting the Eiffel Tower in 1932. Now, we don’t know about you guys, but you couldn’t pay us enough to scale the Eiffel Tower — just for a fresh coat of paint.

Gigantic Undertaking

Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River. Constructed between 1931 and 1936, during the Great Depression, its main purpose is to harness the Colorado River to prevent periodic catastrophic flooding, to allocate and distribute water, and to generate hydroelectricity for the Southwest.

Gigantic Undertaking

Even by today’s standards, this was a gigantic project — and yet, they managed to complete it two years early! This picture was taken during the construction process.

Great Friends

In this photo, which was taken during the ’60s, actor and social activist Harry Belafonte is sharing a laugh with Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. It turns out that Belafonte was at the forefront of the Civil Rights movement, working closely with the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Great Friends

According to Belafonte himself, “The portion of my life that is of importance to me has to do with my activism […] I was an activist long before I became an artist. They both serve each other, but activism is first.”

The Happiest Place on Earth

After one look at this picture, it isn’t hard to tell that it was taken at “The Happiest Place on Earth”. This was no ordinary day, though. This photo was captured on July 17th, 1955 — the very day that Disneyland opened its gates for the first time.

The Happiest Place on Earth

Built on 160 acres of former orange groves in Anaheim, California, Disneyland now hosts over 18 million visitors a year. In honor of Walt Disney himself, who passed in 1966, Disney World was opened in 1971 in Orlando, Florida.

Orville’s Last Flight

It’s a well-known fact that Orville Wright was one of the two brothers generally credited with inventing, building, and flying the world’s first successful motor-operated airplane.

Orville’s Last Flight

40 years after the first successful flight of the Wright brothers’ aircraft, Orville was invited to fly on the Lockheed Constellation in 1944. According to Wright himself, the 123-foot wingspan of the prototype plane was actually longer than his first flight, flying only 120 feet.

Flying the Wright Glider

We already mentioned the Wright brothers and their contribution to the world. Well, this picture features Orville and Wilbur in action. How often do you get to see history in the making? What you’re looking at here is the Wright Glider.

Flying the Wright Glider

The picture was taken in 1911, at Kitty Hawk. Orville can be seen climbing out while Wilbur Wright and Alec Ogilvie (on the left) steady the aircraft.

The First-Ever Walmart

This picture may not seem like much… it’s just a storefront, after all. But, what you’re actually looking at is history in the making. Businessman Sam Walton purchased this store — Walton’s 5 & 10 — from Luther E. Harrison in Bentonville, Arkansas back in 1950.

The First-Ever Walmart

By 1968, this single store had expanded outside Arkansas and throughout the rest of the Southern United States by the 1980s, creating the chain now known as Walmart. The company then introduced its warehouse club chain Sam’s Club in 1983 and its first Supercenter stores in 1988.

Sunset on Mars

This file photo by NASA features the sun setting on Mars’ rocky terrain. That’s right — we’re talking about our planet’s neighbor. NASA’s Curiosity rover captured this picture on April 15th, 2015.

Sunset on Mars

The Mast Camera, or Mastcam for short, recorded these images. You may see some haze in this picture; it’s Martian dust that’s suspended in the atmosphere between the dust storms. How cool must it have felt just capturing these images!

The MGM Lion

The history of the MGM Lion is an interesting one! Pictured here is Jackie, the second MGM lion, in-studio in 1928. Since 1917, there have been 11 different lions used for the MGM logo.

The MGM Lion

Despite that, MGM refers to all of the lions used in their trademark as “Leo the Lion” — although the only lion actually named “Leo” has been in use since 1957. In 2021, however, MGM introduced a new CGI logo that features a lion partially based on Leo.

Embodiment of Strength

Bullying is no joke and can affect people in more ways than one can imagine. This photo taken in 1957 is proof of how uncomfortable it is making Dorothy Counts as she sits by herself. She was the first black girl brave enough to attend one of America’s all-white schools.

Embodiment of Strength

She was a strong woman because, despite being taunted and teased by her white peers at Harry Harding High School in Charlotte, she didn’t stop going to school. And that alone is commendable.

Innocent Austrian Boy

There’s nothing as pure as a child’s emotions. If you don’t believe us, then all you have to do is look at this picture. It’s probably the sweetest thing you’ll ever see.

Innocent Austrian Boy

This picture was taken in Austria during WWII. This little boy from Austria was ecstatic to receive new shoes.

Kathrine Switzer – First Woman to Finish a Marathon

There was a time when women were simply asked to sit at home and do nothing. It was a long journey to get to where they are now and it hasn’t been an easy one. This picture is proof of that journey.

Kathrine Switzer – First Woman to Finish a Marathon

All Kathrine Switzer wanted to do was run the Boston marathon of 1976 and the race organizers just wouldn’t allow it. That did not deter her to complete the race, though. She became the first woman to ever finish a marathon.

Reaction to Sound

Being able to hear is a privilege. Those who can hear don’t realize how lucky they are to have that ability. There are some people in the world who are not as fortunate.

Reaction to Sound

Take five-year-old Harold Whittles, for instance. Despite the fact that he was born deaf, however, he actually heard sound for the first time in 1974. That moment was captured by photographer Jack Bradley. The shocked expression on Harold’s face was a result of being transported hears sound for the first time.

Slim Pickings

This picture was taken during one of the most difficult times in history — The Great Depression, a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s. It was the longest and most widespread depression of the 20th century.

Slim Pickings

At the height of the Depression in 1933, close to 13 million people were unemployed. This photo, for instance, features a man with tons of experience and merit… yet he was forced to walk the streets with a sign on his back in an attempt to get a job somewhere.

Changing Lanes

Rewiring your brain to do something else from what you’re used to, well, that’s never easy. Take this amazing picture, for instance. Someone who doesn’t know will assume this is just a picture of road traffic.

Changing Lanes

In reality, this picture was captured in 1967 when Sweden made the switch from driving on the left side of the road to the right. Now, all this confusion makes sense!