45+ Bizarre Things Travelers Will Only See in India

This article appeared in bigglobaltravel.com and has been published here with permission.
Things Travelers Will Only See in India

India as a country is one of the oldest cultures around, and that being the case, one shouldn’t be surprised to learn that it has a huge array of things to do unique to the culture. If you’re looking for a list of crazy things you can only do or see in India, then congratulations — you’ve found it! You won’t need any other excuse to plan a trip to this fascinating destination.

Toe Wedding Rings

In Tamil Nadu, a region of India, the wedding ring is not placed on the finger, but rather on the “index” toe of the foot. Two silver rings are placed on the foot of the soon-to-be groom’s beloved and are traditionally supposed to bring about a healthy pregnancy whilst gold rings are actually to be avoided in this case.

Toe Wedding Rings

That’s because gold is the symbol of the goddess of abundance, and putting it on the feet — considered to be the most humble part of the body — would be frowned upon.

The World’s Worst Electrician Hassle

When you have over a billion people tucked into one country, you’re going to have issues with housing. Electricity is one such problem that many people in India face, not because they don’t have it, but because they need a whole lot of wires to make everything work.

The World’s Worst Electrician Hassle

Needless to say, we’re sure this is the worst place in the world for an electrician to work. Sure, they may always have something to do, but are they getting paid enough?

Extremely Risky Train Riding

India has a population of over 1.3 billion, which, putting it lightly, is a lot. That being the case, public transportation can be a serious problem, and it may require some radical solutions. The one you can see in the picture below is such a solution that makes us totally nervous.

Extremely Risky Train Riding

We get it, India — you have a lot of people. But honestly, this just doesn’t seem safe. Then again, you gotta do what you gotta do even if it looks extremely risky.

Mistaken Brand Identities

You could probably see something like this in many countries, but it’s certainly something you’re going to see a lot of in India. Sometimes the name of your store is less important than having a logo that everyone can recognize. Who said everything had to make sense?

Mistaken Brand Identities

We’re assuming that the brands being mimicked here simply don’t care about trying to get any money from a few tiny stores in India that are making use of the names.