‘Cognitive Shuffle’ Sleep Hack Can Help You Get to Sleep in ‘No Time’

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Sleep is extremely important for our overall health and mind. But what’s important is to not only get enough hours of sleep but to get quality sleep. Most people struggle with getting their seven to nine hours per night, which can lead to various health problems. Luckily, there’s a hack that can help.

Cognitive Shuffle Explained

Many factors determine how much sleep you get. The main one is stress, whether from work or personal life. If your mind is constantly engaged in solving or stuck on problems, calming yourself before going to bed will probably be one of the hardest things for you. A new technique called “cognitive shuffle” will come to the rescue.

Experts recommend establishing a night routine before bed and incorporating this technique for fast results. “Cognitive shuffle” is a head exercise that can be done in just five minutes. It consists of listing random items in your head that can be easily visualized. Make sure they aren’t related to one another and think of as many as you can. It will tire your brain and erase any negative or anxious thoughts, helping you fall asleep faster.

Other Sleep-Inducing Methods

Another thing that will help is turning on the lights as soon as you wake up or preferably opening the curtains as soon as possible. Getting natural light or going out for a walk first thing in the morning will make you feel happier and boost your productivity throughout the day. Working out early is also a great option to tire your body. Exercise is proven to enhance the quality of sleep and increase energy levels.

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If these tips still don’t help, you should visit your doctor for more structured advice. Whatever you do, don’t waste any time in taking your sleep seriously. Good sleep hygiene is one of the best things that you can do for both your physical and mental health.

Meditate to Boost Life Satisfaction, A Beginner’s Guide

Life, with all its stresses and concerns, can be a real challenge to many individuals. Luckily, people have found a simple way to cope with stressful situations long ago. It’s called meditation, and it can do wonders for anyone. If you’re unacquainted and want to ease your way into it, this simple guide will help you a lot. Here’s how to meditate and boost your life satisfaction.

Meditate to Boost Mind and Body

Meditate to Boost Life Satisfaction, A Beginner’s Guide

Actually, it’s a lot easier to explain the downsides of not meditating than it is to reveal all the benefits of meditation. It’s no surprise that one can effectively tackle conditions like insomnia or chronic pain. Meditate at least twice a week for a few months, and you’ll soon start to notice a considerable improvement in your physical condition.

Meditation also reduces stress and anxiety levels while boosting self-awareness. Regular meditation sessions can help individuals improve their focus and attention span as well. An unlikely benefit of regular meditation sessions is that they strengthen your brain activity, making the brain less prone to developing memory-related problems in elderly years.

The list really goes on and on. So, if you’re trying to improve your overall condition and life satisfaction, give meditation a try. You’d be surprised what you can achieve.

How to Pick the Ideal Type of Mediation

Nowadays, there are various types of meditation that can fit any person. It’s crucial to identify the type you’d enjoy doing because it’s all about you and your satisfaction. Meditate on something you don’t like, and you’re less likely to pick up the habit of regular meditation.

Typically, there are several main types of meditation. These include focus attention, open monitoring, and mindfulness meditation. The first type emphasizes training your mind to steer clear of distractions. Open-monitoring meditation involves broadening one’s awareness across all elements of their surroundings. The latter type is designed to help you focus on the current moment, tackle your attention span, and influence curiosity, as well as kindness.

How to Meditate the Right Way

Once you’ve decided what type of mind-focusing session you want to adopt in your daily routine, it’s time to learn how to meditate correctly. Experts can start meditating out of the blue, but it’s not so easy for beginners. If you’re inside, remove all unwanted distractions and noises. Focus on your breathing patterns, and find your own rhythm. You can put a hand on your diaphragm to help you stay connected with your breathing.

In case you’re outside, find a quiet place like a park or a stadium and try to ignore unwanted noises. You can close your eyes to remove distractions when meditating outdoors.