What Genre Should You Read Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Next time you’re itching to pick up a new book to dive deep into, you should consider basing the genre on your zodiac sign. Many might be surprised, but astrology and the books your read are stories unfolding before you in repeating patterns. According to the stars, particular titles are more appropriate for certain zodiacs. Look into some and continue searching for the perfect title for your zodiac sign! Enjoy something that will connect with you on a deeper level!

There is a Certain Genre That’s Based on a Person’s Zodiac Sign

Spring Into Adventure, Aries

The zodiac sign Aries is closely related to the beginning of spring, and much like the zodiac, the genre should also begin an adventure or spring into action! If you’re born between Match 21st and April 19th, consider choosing action-adventure for your next great read! The energy of an Aries can be creative, ambitious, fast, and furious, so select a novel that springs you into a great adventure and exploration of strange worlds!

Spring Into Adventure, Aries

Scorpios Would Enjoy Mystery

Scorpios are not afraid – they yearn to dig deep and put things together. The mystery genre is perfect for keeping any Scorpio entertained and enthralled in the center of something big. People born under this zodiac sign between October 23rd and November 21st enjoy being immersed in a dark underworld and turning over stones others are afraid to touch!