Here Are 45 Wholesome Things That Made Our Day When the World Felt Like a Terrible Place
The world often feels pretty terrible nowadays, with a new catastrophe hitting the news cycle just about every minute. Studies show (or at least we think they should) that looking at bad things all day is terrible for your mental health. So, as a remedy to all the awfulness, we’ve gathered up the most wholesome, adorable, and heartwarming posts we could find on social media. Check out these sweet pics, whenever you need a break from the world!

Shark Attack
Shark sightings can certainly be frightening, especially when they're seen in a lake - we'd be a lot more worried by how a shark got into a lake than the shark itself. But, we think we'd make an exception for this "monster of the deep."

This is one semi-aquatic creature we would be very happy to spend a day at the beach playing with. We also absolutely love that the Queenstown Lakes District Council (rightly) decided that this was newsworthy enough to alert the residents about this sweet boy!