40 Unsettling Facts We Regret to Inform Are True

Knowledge is power is what they say. Sometimes, though, you learn things that you immediately want to unlearn. From little bugs that live on your face to the number of bacteria your phone has on its surface, these random facts will leave you feeling very unsettled. But, there are so many other unsettling facts out there, and we are sure some of you are a little intrigued. Here are some of those unsettling facts we regret to inform you are very true!

You Never Know

We all pass people every day and don't think anything of it. But, we will be thinking about it from now on after learning this fact. Why someone would want to know this and actively go through the math to solve the problem seems a little crazy.

You Never Know

In fact, we think we are more worried about the fact this person wanted to calculate this than the fact we may have just strolled past a serious criminal.

Close Neighbors

Most of us try hard to keep our skin healthy and fresh-looking. But we might have a problem now that we know about the Demodex mites that live on our skin at all times. This just sounds like something from a sci-fi horror film!

Close Neighbors

We can literally feel your skin crawling, and that might just be because it is. This is so disturbing and something that we will not soon forget. Ew! How are we meant to sleep knowing that!

After Birth

This is both unsettling and sad. But it's a good thing that we would not have to see it unless, for some reason, the coffin had to be unearthed. Now anytime we think of a woman passing away, we are going to imagine this.

After Birth

Of all the facts that we wanted to know in our life, this is one we think we could have lived without knowing for sure! This is the thing nightmares are made of!


When you get all kitted up to head out for an outdoor adventure, we are sure the last thing you and your family are thinking is that it is the last time you will see each other. Knowing this statistic makes us a little nervous about heading out to enjoy nature.


The only thing we can say is the next time we are headed out, we will make sure to bring a map and a GPS so they won't add our number to the tally.