25+ Husbands Anonymously Confessed the Secrets They're Keeping From Their Spouses

We all have secrets, and anyone who claims that they don’t are lying. Even in long-term relationships, there are some things we simply don’t share with our partners for one reason or another, both small and big. From affairs to stashing away money, we’ve compiled a list of secrets that husbands have kept from their spouses and are anonymously confessing online.

Four Secret Grown Kids

It's more and more common nowadays for adults to have been married and divorced and to have children from previous relationships. There's nothing wrong with that as long as they're honest with their partner, which this husband wasn't.

Four Secret Grown Kids

This is strange. Sure, she doesn't necessarily need to know his grown children since she won't be helping to raise them, but why keep them a secret? It's not exactly a good way to start off another relationship.

Crossing the Line

As a couple, it's only natural that you'll end up spending a lot of time with your spouse's friends. What isn't natural is your spouse's friends using that as an excuse to hit on you.

Crossing the Line

This makes us really feel for his wife, because it sounds like her so-called friends aren't actually her friends at all - but rather snakes making bad choices behind her back. Even her husband is a jerk. The people in her life get a 0/10 for being worthy of her.

Bachelor Party Visits

It's common for men to visit certain kinds of establishments during a bachelor's party. It's usually seen as a way for them to "have fun before being tied down to one woman" (which is problematic, but it is what it is).

Bachelor Party Visits

Here's yet another example of "Why would you lie?" Why not just tell her the truth? Lying about something petty less than a year into your relationship is a really bad habit to form.

Getting Married Regrets

Getting married is supposed to be a dream situation. It means spending the rest of your life with someone you love and have committed yourself to, both personally and legally.

Getting Married Regrets

It's really sad that he feels that way, especially because she's probably happily married and oblivious to her partner second-guessing everything. He needs to fess up and tell her that he's unhappy so she can find someone who actually wants to be married.