13 Expensive Celebrity Divorce Settlements That Reveal What Really Happened

Alec & Jocelyn Wildenstein - $2.5 Billion

Jocelyn managed to get $2.5 billion out of her ex-husband Alec Wildenstein, French businessman and billionaire. Known for her plastic surgery, which cost her a total of $2 million, Jocelyn thought changing her look would keep her husband around.

Tiger Woods & Elin Nordegren - $750 Million

Tiger Wood's reputation was shattered when his adulterous behavior with dozens of random women was discovered. Woods and his ex-wife Elin Nordegren officially split in 2010 after six years. Tiger was reportedly forced to hand over $750 million in their divorce.

Tiger Woods & Elin Nordegren - $750 Million

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt - $400 Million

Since Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt, the couple has been working with a private judge. She asked for full physical and joint legal custody of their children. It's too soon to tell, but rumor has it that the divorce will end up costing $400 million.

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt - $400 Million

Michael & Juanita Jordan - $168 Million

After years of trying to make the marriage work, Michael and Juanita Jordan mutually agreed on a divorce. As part of the settlement, Juanita received $168 million, on top of the couple's seven acre Chicago mansion and custody of their children Jeffrey, Marcus, and Jasmine.

Michael & Juanita Jordan - $168 Million

Kevin Costner & Cindy Silva - $80 Million

16 years of marriage and three children later, the Hollywood couple decided to call it quits as a result of Costner's alleged infidelity. The Hollywood actor ended up having to pay $80 million to Silva in the divorce and later admitted that he had a child on the side with socialite Bridget Rooney.

Kevin Costner & Cindy Silva - $80 Million