35+ Details of Disney Cartoons That Make Us Look at Them Differently
There is no denying that Disney's animated movies are some of the most iconic stories ever told on the big screen. It seems like every myth and fable has been transformed into an animated feature full of color, magic, and wonder. But there are tons of little details that you might have missed from these unforgettable movies. From the old classics to the latest Pixar flicks, here are some of the coolest details about Disney animated features that will make you look at them differently.
Ariel Was Modeled After Alyssa Milano!
It's always a mystery as to how Disney's creators envision the appearance of their iconic characters. When it comes to the main character of The Little Mermaid, Disney had a pretty random choice of who they wanted to model Ariel on.

That's right, even though she isn't a red-head, '80s child star Alyssa Milano was the talk of the town around the time the movie was being made and the studio wanted to base Ariel on both her looks and her character traits!