40 of the Best Steakhouses in America
A lovely slice of rib-eye topped with seasoning gives an amazing taste that one should enjoy more than once in a lifetime. Just one reason why there is a great number of steakhouses in America. However, care should be exercised in a bid to enjoy the best. The menu, atmosphere, and level of services should be considered before deciding. This list shows the best steakhouses in the country.
Cattleman’s Club (South Dakota)
It comes as no surprise to find such a classic steakhouse in the city of Pierre in South Dakota. Cattleman's club is a combination of quality with affordability. It is one of the best inexpensive steakhouses in the country. While the menu has changed a bit in its 30 years of service, its drive for heavenly taste has not.

The menu includes different ounces of top sirloins, prime ribs, and porterhouses. T-bone and bone-in rib-eyes rubbed with seasoning are also available. If one is feeling alive, the Chislic is also available. This is a combination of deep-fried chunks of sirloin sprinkled with house seasoning. Guess what? Chislic is the South Dakota regional specialty.