AI Showed Us What 30 of Our Favorite Celebs Will Really Look Like When They Get Old
All celebrities are beautiful to us, aren’t they? Under glitzy spotlights and in gorgeous gowns, it’s hard to imagine them one day switching out their high heels for orthopedic shoes or their thousand-dollar suits for cozy robes and slippers. Thanks to AI, we don’t have to wonder what age looks like paired with beauty; we can know here and now! Check out these celebrities now alongside what AI predicts these beloved pieces of our culture will look like when they’re old and gray.

Robert Pattinson
From our first vampire heartthrob to Bruce Wayne stalking criminals in the night, Robert Pattinson has done it all. And now, he's "aged" well too. It seems like that eternal vampire skin did him some good!

Black really is his color, isn't it? Maybe his career as a vampire in the Twilight series to Batman means that black is a staple for this guy. We're rooting for you, Robert Pattinson! Whatever your next movie role, we've got your back!